

Ray Lanfranco


Software Engineer


(929) 373-2143


Hey, my name's

Ray Lanfranco

An autodidactic software engineer in the age of constantly-evolving technologies. Turning code into poetry one project at a time.

Software Engineering

My foray into web development began with a curiosity I discovered while seated in a Comp Sci course over six years ago. That curiosity transformed itself into passion, and that passion led me to build an entire career from the ground up with nothing but the knowledge I gained from online courses.

Graphic Design

I do a ton of digital art on my own using an iPad application called Procreate. Lots of the artists who I look up to are huge on asset design, and in my quest to become a better artist, graphic design became a natural skill for me. Using the extensive Envato Elements, I now craft elements for my art and web design. Not to mention I'm ACE with memes.


I have over 7 years of experience working with front-end technologies, the Adobe Suite, Squarespace, and Salesforce. I take pride in being the listening ear that makes your visions come to fruition.

I am an autodidactic learner who taught myself everything that I know today, and my ambition has seen me participate in the authoring and completion of a wide array of projects. I have a passion for both development and design, and am a digital artist in my spare time, and so I have merged my expertise as a Software Engineer with the world of UX/UI and graphic design. The marriage of these disciplines has resulted in a wonderful career that I am pleased to have created of my own volition.


  • Rogue UX
    Freelance Front-End Web Developer
    Sep 2014 - July 2017

    My journey as a front-end web developer began with the creation of Rogue UX, a freelancing monicker I created in class when I was attending community college. This was my first foray into the world of self-education, and I knew that it would pay off so long as I continued. It did.
  • Saatchi & Saatchi - Toyota Account
    Front-End Web Developer
    July 2017 - Feb 2020

    Saatchi & Saatchi served as my formal introduction into the world of advertising. I was the second developer on a team of two, producing work under the Toyota account. The amount of experience I gained in a structured environment paled in comparison to the first three years I spent freelancing on my own, and what started off as a shoddy set of skills soon turned into prowess.
  • Ray Lanfranco
    Freelance Full-Stack Developer
    Feb 2020 - July 2020

    With all that I learned at Saatchi & Saatchi, I felt confident enough to move back into the world of freelancing. I have now expanded my skills beyond the realm of front-end web development and have moved into backend development, graphic design, UX/UI design, and customization on all of the world's most popular platforms. My vocation is now directed by the relentless pursuit of my own evolution as an individual.
  • Vermillion Sky
    Software Engineer
    July 2020 - March 2021

    My journey at Vermillion Sky introduced me to an entirely new world of technologies and an entirely new way of seeing code. I was introduced to Uncle Bob's clean code architecture, as well as React, React Native, MobX, and a myriad of other languages, frameworks, and packages. I had the privilege of helping to develop an app called Black Privilege, which served as a Yelp-alternative for black-owned businesses in the Kansas City area.
  • Corgan
    Business Systems Developer
    July 2021 - March 2024

    During the world's most trying time, I ventured out west to Dallas, Texas to forge a new narrative for myself. I joined with Corgan, an architecture firm making massive strides in the worlds of education, aviation, and data center development. I took full ownership over the front-end, developing the firm's core application, which would be used across all of Corgan's branches.

My Philosophy

My sense of worth as a human comes from my penchant to seek out things that cause me to evolve; I pride myself on being a learner who isn't afraid to fall down and scrape his knees in the process. With so much information at our fingertips in the modern age, I feel that we are at the forefront of our own evolution, and as a result of this, we should always put ourselves in situations that actively challenge us to live outside of our comfort zone. I learned about neuroplasticity - the brain's ability to form new neural connections as a result of experience - many years ago, and since then, it has led me to throw convention to the wind and to author my own experience. What you see here on this portfolio is not the result of careful planning and following rules, but the product of carving my own path.

Get in touch

I'm available for contact on all business days from 9am - 5pm. Feel free to shoot a call, email, private message, or text. If you'd like to connect through social media, you can find me on LinkedIn. Talk to you soon, and thank you for taking the time to peruse my portfolio. :]

Talk soon,
- Ray

LINKEDIN: @raylanfranco
PHONE: (929) 373-2143
EMAIL: inquiries@raylanfran.co